
what can i help you with?

The clients I see have a vast range of physical and emotional problems that they look for help with. A full health assessment and an individualised protocol can help people find a way forward. Often people with chronic conditions have sought help from their GP and are still struggling with coping with the pain or symptoms they experience. Here are some of the conditions that I can help with:

  • Physical pain including muscular skeletal and nerve

  • Weight issues - hard to lose or hard to gain

  • Osteoarthritis or Osteoporosis

  • High Cholesterol or Diabetes

  • Any emotional or mood issue including depression or anxiety

  • Female health problems including PMS and menopause

  • Feeling tired all the time and lacking energy

  • Colds, sore throats and respiratory issues

If you would like some support with any of the issues listed above or any that are not listed here please do get in touch. Use the link below to book a free 15 minute call.


one to one health Consultation - online or in person

This is a detailed, personalised assessment which will help you to better understand your health and provide support with any health issues you may be experiencing. It will include a constitutional assessment as well as looking at any physical or mental ailments or concerns.

The consultation will be an hour long and will examine your life in detail including lifestyle, routine, diet and health problems. From this consultation you will be provided an individualised protocol to help improve your health and provide you with a better quality of life. There will be a follow up phone call or second appointment to help you understand how to implement the protocol.

The protocol will make recommendations on a range of lifestyle, diet, herbal supplements and physical treatments.


We all experience health differently, are predisposed to certain conditions and respond to treatments in different ways. This is because we are individuals, with constitutions that are unique to us. In Ayurveda there are 3 different constitutions (doshas), of which we are a mix of all 3. By understanding what your constitution is you can better understand how to live a healthy and vital life.  

By taking an assessment you can gain an initial insight into how to best manage your health, by understanding how your current lifestyle and how it compares to your ideal way of living, based on your constitution.

The assessment will include a detailed questionnaire sent to you via email. Once completed it will be analysed and a lifestyle and diet recommendation provided.

Physical Treatments

A range of physical treatments are available to clients in Bristol.

Physical ayurvedic Treatments

  • Digestive massage – promotes healthy digestion

  • Nasal Oil Treatment – helps with migraines, sinus issues, mental health issues

  • Basti Oil Treatment – helps with pain in specific areas of the body

  • Marma Point Therapy - helps move energy by stimulating specific points on the body


  • Ayurvedic

  • Swedish

  • Hawaiian (Lomi Lomi)